Saturday, July 24, 2010


What is Mnemonic?

A mnemonic device is a learning aid using which we can remember anything easily. Commonly, mnemonics are just a very short phrase or a special word used to help a person remember something. It may be visual, kinesthetic or auditory. Mnemonics are generally easy-to-remember phrases or words which can be related back to the data that is to be remembered. This is based on the fact that the human mind can remembers spatial, personal, surprising and humorous information much more easily than normal information.

The word mnemonic is related to Mnemosyne ("remembrance"), the name of the goddess of memory in Greek mythology.

Use of Mnemonic

We can remember anything easily using mnemonics.
Consider following example

Here we can see that it's very easy to remember word 'because' using silly phrase "Big Elephants Can Always Upset Small Elephants."

Its an example of How to build Mnemonics using silly and easy to remember phrases.

Mnemonics can be based on anything, it may be phrase, audio, video or anything using which you can remember information according to your requirement. Main idea is here, how to remember information easily.

Thanks for bearing with me.

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